COVID-19 Resources

Government Resources for Providers and Parents:

  • Child Care Law Center – Q & A – Question number 9 clarifies how you can apply for unemployment under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance passed in the CARES stimulus package.  Eligibility has been expanded to include self-employed.   
  • Bi-partisan Policy Center– General Information about the supports that the stimulus package provides for parents and providers.  
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Information about Small Business Loans/Grants that can be forgiven.    
  • U.S. Small Business Administration – Pay Check Protection Program –  This appears to be the same program referenced by the U.C. Chamber of Commerce above. An application is available on this site.  

 Additional Resources:

El Dorado County Office of Education

El Dorado County Public Health Department

Centers for Disease Control

New California consumer friendly website

COVID-19 Testing Sites

Parent Resources to Navigate COVID-19

Employment/Unemployment Resources:

  • Helpful information for families that are temporarily losing or having to leave their jobs due to the COVID-19 can be found here:

  • The EDD provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced due to the impacts of COVID-19 in California, click the link below for more information.

Health Care Needs:

  • If you do not have a source of health care coverage or have recently lost your employer-sponsored health care coverage, this fact sheet provides an explanation of some options to gain health care coverage. Contact the specific programs for more information.
  • Food Service availability by school district can be found here:

Parent Resources to Help Cope with COVID-19:

In need of diapers and wipes? Catalyst Community provides diapers and wipes (while in supply) for any families in need during this time. Please call ahead to schedule a pick up!

Cameron Park: 530-676-0707
South Lake Tahoe: 530-541-5848

For Alpine County Resources click here: COVID-19 Alpine Resources

Immersive Online Learning Tools for All Ages:

IXL – IXL gives personalized learning experiences for school ages k-12. With its comprehensive curriculum students can master skills while at home so they can be prepared for the next school year! The IXL program provides an immersive learning experience allowing parents to receive real-time diagnostics of their child’s performance to better help guide them to success.

Storytime From Space – Story Time from Space is a project of the Global Space Education Foundation. This project sends children’s books to International Space Stations where astronauts read aloud to children on Earth.

OtherGoose – OtherGoose is an online charter- approved curriculum targeted towards children ages 2-7 years old. Providing 20-minute, easy to implement, ideas or lessons for kids to try every day. OtherGoose is now offering families 3 weeks free to their program to support families while they are stuck in-doors and schools are cancelled.

Cosmic Kids Yoga – Promotes healthy screen-time while teaching kids yoga, meditation, and relaxation. It is a fun workout for the whole family and it is even a great bedtime extender giving children a way to wind down before bedtime and encourage healthy sleep habits.

Virtual Museum Tours– Now you can enjoy virtual museum tours and online exhibits from your couch! 12 museums from all around the world are giving you VIP access to a new era of virtual education. Explore the history, culture and artwork from over 500 museums and galleries from New York to London and even all the way to Amsterdam.

Fun Physical Activities for Children Ages 2- 4 While it’s essential to make time for unstructured, active playtime, it’s also important to have access to plenty of fun, simple activities that you know will help them get active and develop skills in a variety of ways. This list of 49 fun and free activities for kids is the ultimate go-to for any home child care setting, or a morning or afternoon with a parent or caregiver.

Pre-School Resources for Parents  – JumpStart’s fun preschool resources give parents plenty of ideas on how to teach youngsters important skills through fun games and activities. JumpStart has a large collection of FREE fun activitiesworksheets and lesson plans, perfect for a 3 – 4 year old’s first encounter with schooling.

For more click the link below for free educational distance learning resources provided by the California Department of Education.